Beware of Scammers!

Ghost Knight: A Dark Tale is still in development. Grimware Games, LLC has not hired any PR managers. If you received any emails from someone claiming to work for Grimware Games, LLC saying they are a PR manager. Beware, they are a phishing scam and they are lying to you.

A few people have reached out to me on twitter saying they’ve received a suspicious email claiming to be a PR Manager for Grimware Games, LLC – Just ignore it or mark it as Spam. This person is likely a liar/scammer trying to send you a trojan virus or ransomware. They have sent out mass emails to many people.

It is sad and pathetic that someone would try to scam people in our name, while the game is still in development.

Below I have left his email so you’d know who to look out for. It appears this person has just copy pasted our steam link and is trying to send you a google drive link with possibly ransomware. 


Happy New Year!


Gematsu Coverage